Thursday, August 2, 2012

Mini Pudding Pies

I was at the grocery store, looking at the bakery and gazing longingly at the cakes, cookies, and brownies. Alas, the sugar content in these tasty treats is quite high and I've been trying to limit my sugar intake.  As I walked down the baking aisle and passed the jello I came up with an idea: low- sugar mini pudding pies.

Here are the ingredients/materials you need:

Sugar- free pudding mix
1 cup Graham cracker crumbs
Butter or margarine
2 cups milk
Multi- purpose mini cups

1. Stir graham cracker crumbs together with enough butter to moisten them and add sugar to taste.
2. Mix pudding mix and milk together. Whisk the mixture for two minutes.
3. Put 1 T of graham cracker mixture into bottom of cup.
4. Fill rest of cup with pudding mixture.
5. Fasten lid on securely and store in the refrigerator until you want a tasty low sugar snack.
(If you want to eat your pudding pies sooner, the pudding will set in about five minutes).